From a scientific point of view, what synergies might research groups/researchers need with other CSIC ICUs and what they can contribute to other ICUs
One paramount change would be offering stable positions for researching in cybersecurity. In the past, there has been no open positions for cybersecurity research in CSIC. This is a major problem for the continuity of this young group. It is not possible to continue researching without proper support from the organization
The group have developed all type of synergies to create a common background in cybersecurity in CSIC. CSIC has not create an adequate framework to ease this type of collaborations. Budget management and the disfunctionality of the IT platform for projects management makes very advisable to reconsider in the future to have projects in common with other institutes inside CSIC
The problem of establishing collaborations with other groups comes from the gigantic bureaucratic burden in CSIC. There are not scientific obstacles to find common interests, as it has been shown from the very moment GiCP was created. However, there are too many institutional obstacles and a lack of support to conduct research in cybersecurity and cyberintelligence